Best cheap car insurance quotes in Maspeth
Drivers in Maspeth are legally required to carry New York’s minimum liability coverage, uninsured motorist coverage, and personal injury protection (PIP)—but you may want to consider full coverage for added financial protection.
Cheap minimum liability insurance quotes in Maspeth
As per New York car insurance laws, Maspeth drivers must carry the state’s minimum coverage limits to legally drive on NY roads.
The state’s minimum car insurance coverage includes:
We’ve compiled some examples of Maspeth policyholders that recently used Jerry to get the state’s minimum liability coverage.
State Minimum
Maspeth, NY
(Zip Code: 11378)
Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo![coverage]()
State Minimum
Maspeth, NY
(Zip Code: 11378)Do you need more than minimum coverage in Maspeth?
New York’s car insurance requirements are fairly high compared to other states, but extra coverage is still a good idea for Maspeth drivers.
Additional protection like collision coverage could save you from costs associated with unexpected damages to your car. Increasing liability limits can also help prevent you from paying out of pocket—especially if you’re ever at fault in an accident resulting in a totaled vehicle (or more than one).
The risk of winter storms, heavy rain, and high winds in Maspeth causing non-collision damage to your car may also make a strong case for adding comprehensive coverage. This type of protection can also keep you financially secure against vandalism and vehicle theft.
The bottom line: For better financial protection in Maspeth, explore different coverage options. Consider full coverage with collision and comprehensive insurance, and add extra protection by increasing your liability limits.
Cheap full coverage car insurance quotes in Maspeth
New York’s minimum car insurance requirements are meant to protect drivers from paying out of pocket for repairs and replacements if an accident were to occur. But to protect your vehicle from repairs and replacements, full-coverage car insurance is the way to go.
Collision coverage protects you from costs associated with repairing or replacing your vehicle after an accident
Comprehensive coverage kicks in if your vehicle is stolen or requires repairs for non-collision damages
Typically, leased or financed vehicles require collision and comprehensive coverage.
Browse the table below to see how Jerry’s agents recently helped Maspeth customers obtain affordable full coverage policies.
Insurance coverage | Insurance company | Premium (monthly) | Customer | Car |
• 100,000/300,000 Liability • Comp / Collision | Progressive | $460 | | Mini Cooper S Countryman |
• State Minimum Liability • Comp / Collision | Travelers | $203 | | Toyota Corolla L |
Last Updated Nov 6, 2024
The easiest and fastest way to find the cheapest car insurance for your preferred coverage option is to compare car insurance rates online.
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