Jerry 2025 State of the American Driver Report

The 2025 State of the American Driver report offers insights into how this new era of higher-cost car ownership is affecting Americans, how they are reacting, their outlook for car buying in the new year, their views on electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrids, and their attitudes toward driving technology and data collection.
Jerry, Jan 2, 2025


Jerry 2025 State of the American Driver Report

The 2025 State of the American Driver report offers insights into how this new era of higher-cost car ownership is affecting Americans, how they are reacting, their outlook for car buying in the new year, their views on electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrids, and their attitudes toward driving technology and data collection.

Sorry iPhone Fans, Android Users Are Safer Drivers

People choose a brand — whether of a car, clothing, or smartphone — because of what they think it says about them. So perhaps a little brand snobbery is only natural. It’s no secret that many iPhone devotees look down at their Android-carrying fellow humans. Many iPhone users, who are younger and make more money, […]

Car Insurance Wrecks Budgets, Leaves Drivers More at Risk

American drivers, especially the young and women, are struggling with a staggering rise in car insurance premiums over the past couple of years, according to the results of a new survey conducted by Jerry.

American Drivers Seek Control Over Their Car Data

Nearly all of the drivers in a recent survey by Jerry—96% of them—said they should own any data generated by their cars and expressed deep uneasiness at the prospect of automakers selling or sharing that data with third-party data brokers, insurance companies, and law enforcement agencies.

Americans Say Government Should Fix Bad Roads and Bridges

In a recent survey by Jerry, 84% of drivers said the government should spend more money on the nation’s deteriorating roads and bridges.

Fentanyl-Positive Rate Among Drivers in Fatal Crashes Doubles

America’s fentanyl epidemic is spilling onto its roads and highways. The number of drivers involved in fatal accidents who tested positive for fentanyl nearly doubled from 2018 through 2021, the latest year for which data is available, despite little change in the number of tests conducted.

Most Americans Can’t Afford Even One Average-Price Used Car

The average American household can no longer afford an average used car, according to common financial advice. That’s a single average used car—never mind two—in a country where a car is a necessity for nearly every working adult.

These Two Car Expenses Are Rising Faster Than Your Grocery Bill

The costs of insuring and repairing your car rose faster than any food item at your local grocery store in 2023. In fact, those expenses have risen more than any food item over the past three years.