To get a rebuilt title in Illinois, you’ll need to obtain a salvage title, find a licensed rebuilder to perform the repairs, pass two inspections, and pay a rebuilt title fee of $95.
Only licensed rebuilders can perform repairs to a salvage vehicle in Illinois
Before a salvage vehicle is eligible for a rebuilt title, it must pass at least one safety inspection
for a salvage title vehicle—you need a rebuilt title first
What is a rebuilt title?
A rebuilt title is a special type of certificate of title certifying that a vehicle previously declared a total loss by an insurance company has been restored to a safe, drivable condition.
Generally, the process for getting a rebuilt title starts with what’s called a salvage title. A salvage title documents that the vehicle has damages that would exceed the value of the car to repair. It also means that the car is unsafe to drive.
The state of Illinois has stricter regulations around the rebuilt vehicle titling process than most states. It can be worth the time and expense, but it definitely comes with some work.
Still want to go for it? Okay! Here’s how:
1. Apply for a salvage title
If the salvage car you plan to rebuild doesn’t already have a salvage title, you can apply for one from the
Under Illinois law, a vehicle that has sustained damage equal to more than 33.3% of its fair market value is considered a salvage vehicle.
2. Make the necessary repairs to your vehicle
In Illinois, you cannot do the work of repairing a vehicle for a rebuilt title yourself. You must have it done through a licensed automotive rebuilder.
Once the repairs have been completed, the vehicle must pass a safety inspection at one of the
If the car is more than eight years old, it will need to have an inspection done by the Illinois State Police to make sure that the car (and the parts used in its repair) aren’t stolen.
Essential documents for a rebuilt Illinois title
To apply for a rebuilt Illinois title, you will need to bring the following to your inspection site:
A salvage certificate in the name of the licensed rebuilder
Your completed rebuilt title application
A salvage affirmation that identifies all the parts used in the rebuild
Invoices/bills of sale for all the parts used in the rebuild
A valid driver’s license
IDOT vehicle inspection report and sticker
You’ll also need to bring the following required fees in the form of a check or money order:
. If you want to drive the car, you’ll need to get a rebuilt title. You can sell a vehicle with only a salvage title, but most experts advise that buying a car without a clean title is a bad idea.
It doesn’t make the history of whatever happened to the car go away entirely—a buyer would still be able to obtain the details of what was damaged and how. But it does officially document that the car has been repaired to a safe, drivable condition. It’s also the only way that you can get the car registered.
Yes—a rebuilt title means that the rebuilt salvage vehicle has been approved to drive. A salvage title vehicle, on the other hand, is illegal to drive until you have made the necessary repairs and the vehicle has passed inspection.
How long does a rebuilt title take in Illinois?
The process of applying for a rebuilt title in Illinois typically takes about a month.
How much does it cost to get a rebuilt title in Illinois?
Costs to have the required repairs done will vary widely. The cost for an inspection is $94 and the fee for a rebuilt title is $95.