How to Get Rid of Spider Beetles

From chemical sprays to essential oils, there are dozens of ways to get rid of spider beetles.
Written by Patrick Price
Reviewed by Melanie Reiff
To get rid of spider beetles, you can try spreading natural deterrents, putting down glue traps, spraying insecticides, or calling a professional exterminator. 
As far as pests go, the common spider beetle is fairly harmless. A spider beetle infestation won’t damage your home, spread disease, or harm you. In fact, spider beetles don’t often infest individual homes—they’re more likely to set up shop in an industrial storehouse. 
Spider beetles, however, can cost a lot of money in lost food, clothing, or other organic material. What’s more concerning is that the spider beetle will sometimes piggyback into your home on rodents or other more serious pests—it’s not uncommon for a spider beetle infestation to indicate that you have rats or bats nesting in your house. 
Don’t worry, though!
—your friendly neighborhood
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—has compiled this handy list of the common causes and solutions for a spider beetle infestation. Scroll through the article, and we’ll help get rid of those unwanted guests in no time! 
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What are spider beetles?

Don’t let their name or their appearance fool you—spider beetles are not actually spiders. Spider beetles are a subfamily of beetle scientifically known as
. There are a few common species in the spider beetle subfamily. The ones you are most likely to see are the following:
  • Brown spider beetle
  • Golden spider beetle
  • Australian Spider Beetle
  • Black spider beetle (also called American spider beetle) 
  • White marked spider beetle
Of these, the black spider beetle is the most common species seen in the United States. As with any pest, the first step in combating an infestation is identification. Here’s a quick overview of what black spider beetles look like: 
  • About 1/5th of an inch (5mm) long on average
  • Rounded oblong body 
  • Solid black color
  • Two antennae and six legs 
  • Large mandibles 
  • Shell-like wings
Other species of spider beetles share virtually all of these characteristics, except their coloration can be red, brown, yellow, or light tan. 
Spider beetles feed off virtually any organic material and have been known to eat through large food stores, clothing, linens, fabrics, and more. 
As mentioned above, it’s unusual (though not unheard of) for spider beetles to infest a home. Typically they’re found in large warehouses or storage facilities—though they can adapt to live just about anywhere. 

How to get rid of spider beetles

If your home has been infested by spider beetles, don’t panic! There are plenty of options available to help you with your pest problem, from natural deterrents and home remedies to chemical insecticides
It’s worth mentioning, however, that spider beetles like to set up shop in areas where food is stored. So, any toxic or chemical insecticides should be used carefully. 
Let’s take a look at the different ways you can go about ridding your home of spider beetles. 

Natural products & home remedies

There are several natural substances and home remedies that you can use to get rid of spider beetles. Here are a few of the most effective ones: 
  • Safe pantry pest traps or glue traps. These are a great option because they won’t contaminate any food stores with toxic chemicals, and they are good for a variety of pests—not just spider beetles.
  • Ultrasonic pest repellers. This relatively new form of pest repellent has proven very effective against a limited selection of pests, including spider beetles. They can be purchased at most stores that sell home and garden supplies. 
  • Mint spray. Like a lot of pests, spider beetles are repulsed by the smell of mint. They should clear out in a hurry if you spray surfaces with mint-infused spray. 
  • Clean house. The best way to avoid and remove infestations is simply by removing things like crumbs, garbage, and moldy/rotting food from your house. Then, give the whole place a good scrub, sweep, vacuum, etc. 
  • Essential oils. Besides mint, citrus, tea tree, citronella, and lavender essential oils can be used to deter spider beetles.  

Chemical insecticides 

If the natural home remedies aren’t doing the trick, it may be time to break out the big guns and get some chemical insecticides. Just remember to make sure any food items (that you’re not planning on throwing away) are moved from the affected area. 
Most over-the-counter insecticides should do the trick. Raid, Ortho, and Hot Shot all make great chemical insecticides designed for house pests—any one of them should work for eliminating spider beetles. 

Call a professional exterminator 

If all else fails, you can always call a professional pest exterminator to handle your spider beetle problem for you—this is usually the fastest and easiest way to address it. Of course, hiring a professional will be one of the most expensive methods of spider beetle removal. 
If you believe that the spider beetles were carried into your home by another pest—especially bats—you should contact a professional exterminator as soon as possible. Unlike spider beetles, bats, rats, mice, and birds can be very harmful to humans and spread deadly diseases.  

Why do I have spider beetles?

When spider beetles infest a home, they usually hitch a ride on infested produce or other food products. Occasionally, they can also hitch a ride on other, more serious pests, such as rats, bats, or birds. 
If another pest carries spider beetles into your home, the cause is obviously the larger infestation—but that’s far from the most common cause. Usually, they’ll get into your home on food products that weren't inspected closely enough before being sold. In short, the main cause of spider beetles is nothing more than bad luck
That said, there are a few organic sources that often attract spider beetles, like: 
  • Moldy/stale foods
  • Flour, grains, bread, wheat, cereals
  • Cotton, silk, wool, and other organic fabrics
  • Almonds, nuts, and seeds 
  • Mushrooms, figs, beans, and rotten fruit
  • Discarded hair or dried animals skins
  • Paper and books
Basically, the sorts of things plentiful in any home, which is part of what makes a spider beetle infestation so difficult to root out—they can live off just about anything. 

Signs of spider beetle infestation

Once inside your home, it can be hard to find and identify spider beetles. They are fast, nocturnal, and shy. They don’t bite or feed off of humans and usually avoid people if possible. So, you might not always catch a glimpse of them directly. However, they build webs and cocoons—just like spiders—which can be easy to spot. 
While spider beetles share many visual and behavioral similarities with spiders, they are some important differences. For instance, unlike spiders, beetles are not solitary creatures. They live in colonies—if you see one, there are more around
Spider beetles also leave one major sign of their presence—how much they eat! Whether it’s your panty or your laundry, you’ll probably notice if a colony of spider beetles has been feasting on something you own. 

How to prevent future infestations

Now that you’ve gotten rid of the spider beetles in your home, you’re probably eager to make sure they never come back. The best way to discourage future spider beetle infestation is to reduce potential food sources. Store food in air-tight containers, throw away old food quickly in an outdoor trash can and keep unused fabrics in plastic bags. And whenever you go to the grocery store, carefully inspect every item for signs of spider beetles before buying it or ensure you thoroughly wash your produce before putting it away.
As an extra precaution, double-check your home for signs of a bat, bird, or rodent infestation. 

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Most spider beetle infestations happen when you purchase infested food—though it’s not unheard of for the beetles to have hitched a ride on a more serious pest, such as bats or rats.
Yes and no. Spider beetles themselves are not harmful to humans. They do not spread disease, bite people, or cause structural damage to your home. They do, however, eat through all sorts of organic materials—which can result in a substantial monetary loss in wasted food or ruined clothing.
You can look in areas where food or other organic materials are stored. While the spider beetles themselves will probably dart away as you approach, their webs should give them away.
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