What are battery cables?
The battery in a vehicle is designed to power all the electrical components in your car—but that battery can’t work correctly without battery cables. Think of your car battery like a heart. The cables are blood vessels running an electrical current to the alternator, which powers all electronic systems.
As with any other part of your car, the components of your battery system will wear over time and begin to malfunction. In most cases, the battery cables start to corrode and interfere with the electrical system. This can lead to malfunction in several parts of your car.
How do I know when my battery cables need replacing?
There are a few telltale signs that your battery and/or its cables will need to be checked out by a mechanic. Here are the most common symptoms to watch for:
Trouble starting your car’s engine
A clicking sound when trying to start your engine
Corrosion deposits on the battery itself
Battery cables show signs of wear and tear, such as fraying or loosening
Interior lighting dimming
Engine stalling after startup if your car doesn’t get moving
Remember: Everything runs off your car battery and the battery cables—so if the cable is worn and the electrical current isn’t being transferred to the alternator, your electrical systems won’t work correctly.
How often should battery cables be replaced?
Battery cables will usually last anywhere from 50,000 to 100,000 miles. Based on an average mileage of 14,000 miles per year, they may need to be replaced every 3.5 and 7 years. But don’t rush into changing them if they don’t show signs of wear and tear.
Battery cables are constantly used, which means wear and tear can result in corrosion, overheating, or insulation perishing.
If the battery light is flashing but nothing is wrong with the battery, it could also indicate that the cables need replacing.
Can I replace my battery cables myself?
Replacing your battery cables is a straightforward process that you can easily do at home, even if you don’t have extensive automotive repair knowledge.
This process is as easy as removing the negative and positive terminals and cable terminals, removing the battery, disconnecting the cables, and reinstalling new cables.