Oh, boy—the mysterious clicking noise! Luckily, the fact that the clicking is coming from the rear wheels helps to narrow down your problem. The most common cause of clicking noise from your rear wheel when driving is a damaged constant velocity (CV) joint.
CV joints sit at either end of the axle and add flexibility to your steering—think of them as wrists for your axle. If the joint wears out, a clicking or popping noise when turning is the classic symptom.
To test the CV joints, drive the car in reverse while turning the steering wheel all the way in one direction and then the other. If the clicking noise is pronounced, it’s a joint problem.
You could also be dealing with:
If your joints seem okay and you can’t see an issue with these other components, it’s worth taking the car to a mechanic. If you’re worried about repair expenses, download the Jerry
. While we can’t lower your actual repair bill, you could save an average of $800+ a year on car insurance. MORE: How to react when your car makes noise when accelerating