Cheapest car insurance in Independence, Missouri (2025)

Written by R.E. Fulton and 2 others
Updated Nov 12, 2024
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Cheapest car insurance in Independence, Missouri (2025)

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Car insurance in Independence costs about $78 per month for minimum liability coverage, and about $146 per month for full coverage insurance. Independence drivers pay 31% less than the Missouri average.

Insurance Company
Premium (monthly)
ZIP Code
Liability Limits
Has Full Coverage
Progressive $99 26 64053 Ford Escape Xlt State Minimum No
Progressive $76 57 64056 Ford Windstar Lx State Minimum No
National General $112 36 64050 Chevrolet Lumina State Minimum No
Progressive $79 44 64058 Mazda Cx-7 State Minimum No
Dairyland $166 60 64052 Chevrolet Impala Ltz State Minimum No
Last Updated Feb 16, 2025

Best car insurance companies in Independence

There’s not one best car insurance company that offers the lowest rates to all drivers. Your individual car insurance quotes are based on your unique profile, which contains things like where you live, your age, your driving history, and in states like Missouri, even your credit score.

To make matters more complicated, each insurer has a different way of weighing the factors that go into that quote, so you could pay very different rates depending on which company you choose.

That’s why it’s so important to compare car insurance quotes before you make a decision.

To make it easier to compare the cheapest car insurance companies, Jerry conducted the largest insurance carrier survey in the US, and the results might surprise you.

For instance, even though State Farm holds the largest market share in the state of Missouri, our customers only rated it 3.3/5 for policy cost satisfaction.

Our survey shows that the following insurers are rated highest for cost satisfaction in Missouri:

  • Gainsco
  • Nationwide
  • ROOT
  • State Auto
  • The General

The table below shows how drivers in Independence rate different companies on a scale of 0 to 5.

Insurance companyOverall ratingPriceClaims experienceCustomer service
State Farm3.93.43.74
Liberty Mutual3.32.6N/A3.2

How we gathered this data

Jerry conducted one of the largest car insurance surveys in the U.S., gathering insights from 45,000 policyholders across all 50 states over 24 months. These policyholders, insured by 87 different companies, shared their experiences to help us assess satisfaction in key areas: policy cost, customer service, buying and renewal processes, and claims handling. All scores reflect feedback from real customers.

Best cheap car insurance quotes in Independence

To get the very cheapest insurance in Independence, you’d need to buy insurance that meets Missouri’s minimum liability insurance requirement.

But minimum liability can leave you financially responsible for thousands of dollars in medical bills and repair costs after an accident, and it won’t cover damage to your own car at all. We recommend upgrading your coverage limits to better protect yourself.

Cheap minimum liability insurance quotes in Independence

To drive legally in Independence, you’ll need insurance that meets the minimum coverage limits for bodily injury liability and property damage liability in Missouri. Missouri’s minimum car insurance requirements include:

  • $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident in bodily injury liability coverage
  • $10,000 in property damage liability coverage per accident
  • $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident in Missouri uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage (UMBI)

Do you need more than minimum coverage in Independence?

Generally speaking—yes. If you can afford it, you will be better served by a policy that includes higher coverage limits.

Put simply, once your insurance limits have been exhausted, your provider won’t offer additional assistance for accident-related expenses. This means that you may be responsible for covering any remaining costs out-of-pocket.

The bottom line: For better financial protection, consider 50/100/50 or 100/300/100 liability coverage—even if you choose not to have full coverage on your car.

Cheap full coverage car insurance quotes in Independence

To protect yourself from expenses related to vehicle repairs or replacements, a full coverage car insurance policy is highly recommended.

Full coverage policies generally include comprehensive and collision coverage, in addition to meeting your state’s minimum insurance requirements.

  • Comprehensive coverage addresses costs associated with non-collision incidents such as theft or vandalism
  • Collision coverage takes care of repairs to your vehicle following an accident

Given the additional protection they provide, full coverage policies are typically required by lenders on financed or leased vehicles. While a full-coverage premium may entail higher upfront costs, the added peace of mind may justify the additional expense.

Discover how Jerry’s agents have helped customers find the most budget-friendly full coverage policies:

Liability Limits
Has Full Coverage
Insurance Company
Premium (monthly)
ZIP Code
State Minimum No Progressive $99 26 64053 Ford Escape Xlt
State Minimum No Progressive $76 57 64056 Ford Windstar Lx
State Minimum No National General $112 36 64050 Chevrolet Lumina
State Minimum No Progressive $79 44 64058 Mazda Cx-7
State Minimum No Dairyland $166 60 64052 Chevrolet Impala Ltz
Last Updated Feb 16, 2025

Because your rates can vary so much between providers, the best way to find the cheapest rates for the car insurance you need is to compare car insurance rates online.
Jerry, a licensed broker, has a free app that helps you compare car insurance quotes with ease—and our team of 100+ licensed insurance agents will make sure you get the best service when you need it.

Average cost of car insurance in Independence

Jerry’s experience with Missouri policyholders shows that drivers in the Show-Me State pay more for car insurance coverage than the national average.

Specifically, the estimated cost of full coverage insurance in Missouri is around $ $146 per month, or $1,752$ per year. Minimum liability insurance, on the other hand, costs approximately $78 per month, or $936 per year.

Insurance averages may be useful in helping you predict your own insurance costs—but keep in mind that exactly what you pay for coverage will come down to personal factors, such as your demographics, discount eligibility, location, and more.

Average cost of car insurance in Independence by zip code

Even within Independence, car insurance rates can vary from one neighborhood to the next. If you live in an area with higher rates of vehicle theft, auto accidents, or other risks that could lead to insurance claims, insurance companies might raise rates for that zip code.

Drivers in these neighborhoods tend to pay higher insurance rates than people in other areas of Independence.

Car insurance quotes in Independence by rating factors

Your car insurance premium is determined based on various rating factors. These factors are rooted in risk-related characteristics that include:

  • Your driving record/ claims history: Drivers with a track record of accidents or violations generally face higher premiums than those with a clean driving record.
  • Your demographics: Factors such as age, gender, and marital status can influence the cost of your insurance.
  • Your location: St. Louis drivers and other city dwellers often encounter higher premiums, due to increased crime rates and higher population density in cities.
  • Your mileage: Higher annual mileage can result in elevated insurance costs.
  • The make/ model of your car: Luxury, sport, and high-performance vehicles typically come with higher rates for collision and comprehensive coverage, as replacement parts are often more expensive to procure.

Cheap car insurance quotes in Independence after driving violations

A primary rating factor impacting insurance costs in Independence is your Missouri driving record. Drivers with serious traffic offenses and/or at-fault accidents on their record are viewed as higher-risk policyholders that could cost a provider more money to insure than a safe driver with a clean record.

Some common violations that can lead to increased car insurance costs include:

  • Speeding
  • DUIs
  • At-fault accidents
  • Reckless driving
  • Driving on a suspended license
  • Driving without insurance

Cheapest insurance in Independence, Missouri after a speeding ticket

In Missouri, car insurance costs can increase as much as 17% or more following a speeding ticket. But Jerry has successfully helped hundreds of Independence drivers find affordable rates even after a ticket or two.

Speeding Type
Insurance Company
Premium (monthly)
ZIP Code
Liability Limits
Has Full Coverage
Speeding 1-5 Progressive $173 22 64052 Buick Lesabre Limited State Minimum No
Speeding 1-5 National General $252 28 64055 Toyota Corolla L State Minimum Yes
Speeding 1-5 The General $3,143 20 64057 Ford Fusion Platinum State Minimum Yes
Speeding Violation-Major Bristol West $992 27 64052 Chevrolet Impala Lt State Minimum Yes
Speeding Violation-Major Progressive $293 25 64055 Honda Accord Sport Se 100/300 Yes
Last Updated Feb 16, 2025

Cheapest car insurance in Independence after DUI

A DUI is a serious offense no matter which state you’re driving in, so it’s no surprise that a DUI conviction will raise your rates significantly for at least a few years. In fact, the high risk associated with insuring drivers convicted of DUI leads some providers to deny them coverage altogether.

Having a DUI on your record can make insuring your car both expensive and challenging.

Cheapest car insurance in Independence after an at-fault accident

At-fault accidents on your record can be just as bad, if not worse, than tickets. Not only do they represent increased risk, but they also provide proof that insuring you has led to claims payouts and could again.

If you have even one at-fault accident on your record, you should expect higher rates than drivers with none. But as with other cost-increasing issues, Jerry can still help you find affordable coverage.

Accident type
Insurance Company
Premium (monthly)
ZIP Code
Liability Limits
Has Full Coverage
Not At Fault National General $112 36 64050 Chevrolet Lumina State Minimum No
At Fault With No Injury Dairyland $166 60 64052 Chevrolet Impala Ltz State Minimum No
At Fault With No Injury Clearcover $249 60 64050 Kia Optima Lx State Minimum Yes
Not At Fault The General $1,303 47 64055 Dodge Charger Sxt State Minimum Yes
Not At Fault Progressive $79 34 64053 Honda Cr-V Ex-L State Minimum Yes
Last Updated Feb 16, 2025

Cheapest car insurance in Independence after other driving violations

Of course, DUIs, speeding tickets, and at-fault accidents aren’t the only moving violations that can lead to increased insurance premiums in Independence . Other offenses, such as reckless driving, driving on a suspended license and running a red light can also affect your insurance costs.

Take a look at the table below to see how these and other common moving violations can affect your insurance rates.

Insurance Company
Premium (monthly)
ZIP Code
Liability Limits
Has Full Coverage
Driving on Sus. License National General $196 23 64053 Ford Fusion Se State Minimum No
Suspension National General $154 25 64055 Hyundai Sonata Gls State Minimum No
Suspension Progressive $148 33 64050 Ford Taurus Lx State Minimum No
Suspension Bristol West $626 24 64050 Nissan Sentra S State Minimum Yes
Failure to Yield National General $97 70 64056 Hyundai Sonata Gls State Minimum No
Last Updated Feb 16, 2025

Cheap car insurance quotes in Independence by age

Young and inexperienced drivers pay more for insurance than any other drivers based on the national average. Specifically, drivers aged 16 to 19 should expect higher auto insurance premiums than any other age group.

Once you hit 25, you should expect to see your rates steadily decrease over time—assuming you keep a clean record and solid insurance history. This decrease in insurance costs should continue through your forties and fifties, with middle-aged drivers enjoying the cheapest auto insurance thanks to years of experience and long insurance histories.

Around age 75, the risk associated with slowing reflexes and increased risk of injury can result in a slight rate increase.

Cheapest car insurance in Independence for young drivers

Elevated insurance rates for new and teen drivers are mostly due to their limited driving experience. This lack of experience leads to increased risk of accidents, and increased car insurance premiums.

If you or your child is a novice driver hitting the road, it might be tempting to forego full coverage in order to save money, but this is ill-advised. Inexperienced drivers, especially, need the added protections of increased liability limits and physical damage coverage for their cars.

Jerry specializes in assisting inexperienced and teen drivers in locating the most affordable options for coverage.

Learn more: The best cheap car insurance for teen drivers

Cheapest car insurance in Independence for senior drivers

Senior drivers, especially those aged 75 and over, may see an increase in their rates for two reasons:

  • As drivers age, response time slows, leading to an increased risk of accidents.
  • Accidents involving senior drivers typically result in more severe injuries and increased medical expenses

Learn more: The best car insurance for seniors

Cheap auto insurance quotes in Independence based on insurance history

Your insurance history, like your driving history, is a significant rating factor for insurers. Specifically, insurers are looking for a long, unbroken history marked by a low instance of claims.

A short insurance history or one broken by periodic lapses in coverage can lead to increased auto insurance rates. Take a look at the quotes assembled below to see how currently-insured drivers usually pay less for coverage than those not currently insured.

Cheap car insurance quotes in Independence for drivers with bad credit

Missouri is one of 46 states that allow insurers to use your credit score as a determining factor in calculating your insurance premiums. Since providers have seen a correlation between poor credit scores and high instances of claims filing, those with good credit are more likely to see the most competitive rates.

Based on our data, drivers with credit scores below 550 typically pay about 20% more for car insurance than drivers with credit histories rated 750 or higher.

Credit Score
Insurance Company
Monthly Quote
ZIP Code
Car Make Model Trim
Liability Limits
Has Full Coverage
550-659 Progressive $99 26 64053 Ford Escape Xlt State Minimum No
550-659 Progressive $76 57 64056 Ford Windstar Lx State Minimum No
660-750 National General $112 36 64050 Chevrolet Lumina State Minimum No
<550 Dairyland $166 60 64052 Chevrolet Impala Ltz State Minimum No
550-659 Clearcover $249 60 64050 Kia Optima Lx State Minimum Yes
Last Updated Feb 16, 2025

Of course, the type of vehicle you drive also plays a part in the amount you pay for auto insurance coverage. Your vehicle type can affect the costs of repairs and replacement, and it can also affect the likelihood of theft and overall safety of the vehicle.

Missouri’s most popular cars include:

  • Toyota Camry
  • Chevrolet Equinox
  • Honda Accord
  • Ford F-150
  • Toyota Corolla

Learn more: How to get car insurance before buying a car

Popular Car
Insurance Company
Premium (monthly)
ZIP Code
Liability Limits
Has Full Coverage
Toyota Corolla L National General $252 28 64055 State Minimum Yes
Ford F-150 National General $99 63 64050 State Minimum Yes
Toyota Corolla Ce Clearcover $128 32 64057 State Minimum Yes
Honda Accord Sport Se Progressive $293 25 64055 100/300 Yes
Toyota Camry Le Progressive $115 20 64055 100/300 Yes
Last Updated Feb 16, 2025

Cheapest car insurance in Independence for new vs. old car

Since newer vehicles often come with higher repair costs, they’re often more expensive to insure than older examples of the same model.

How to lower car insurance costs in Independence

1. Shop around and compare quotes

Each car insurance company uses its own formula to calculate premiums—and those formulas are updated regularly. To make sure you’re always paying the best rate for the coverage you need, insurance experts recommend shopping for new coverage every six months, and comparing quotes from at least three providers when you do.

If this sounds like a lot of work, we hear you—but Jerry makes it easy.

When you shop for and purchase coverage using the free Jerry app, you’ll get free quotes based on a comparison of offers from dozens of providers in under a minute. Plus, when you activate the app’s auto-reshop feature, we’ll automatically reshop your policy each time it comes up for renewal and alert you anytime a lower rate may be available.

2. Hunt for car insurance discounts

When you’re shopping for a car insurance policy, car insurance discounts should be a key factor in your selection criteria. All providers offer at least a few discounts, but here are a few of the most common to look out for:

  • Good driver discounts. Insurance providers love a clean driving record since it signals low insurance risk and a decreased likelihood of claims payouts. That’s why drivers who avoid accidents or tickets for a certain period are often rewarded with discounts.
  • Telematics discounts. Allowing your provider to track your driving habits with a telematics app or device can lead to big savings. Some insurers offer a discount just signing up, but you can expect the biggest savings from driving well during the test period.
  • Good student discounts. Providers often offer discounts to full-time students who maintain a B average or better, making those otherwise high young-driver policies more affordable.
  • Bundling discounts. Most providers offer discounts to drivers who purchase more than one type of coverage from them. Be sure to look for bundling discounts if you purchase homeowners insurance or renters insurance and auto coverage from the same insurance company.

3. Increase your deductible for comprehensive and collision coverage

When you select a higher deductible, you shoulder more of the cost associated with your vehicle repairs and decrease the number of small claims you might file. As these both lead to savings for your insurer, you can expect lower premiums with a higher deductible.

Just be sure you select an amount you can comfortably afford in the event of an accident.


  • What is the best car insurance in Independence?
  • What is the cheapest car insurance in Independence?
  • What is the minimum car insurance in Independence, Missouri?
R.E. Fulton
  • Licensed Insurance Agent

R.E. Fulton is an expert insurance writer specializing in car ownership topics from car shopping and loan advice to insurance and repair guides. R.E.’s mission is to create unique and accessible content that helps readers to become more successful and independent car owners. R.E. has written and edited over 900 high-performing articles for Jerry, with an average of 1 million+ views. As a senior writer on Jerry’s editorial team, R.E. draws on over 10 years of experience as a professional writer and digital publishing specialist. Prior to joining Jerry’s editorial team in 2021, R.E. worked as a writing coach at Columbia University, the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), and the University of Rochester. They serve as a managing editor for peer-reviewed history publication Nursing Clio, where their work has appeared regularly since 2015.

Lina Zhang

Lina Zhang is co-founder and vice president of operations at Jerry, where she leads a global team responsible for operations, talent acquisition, content, legal, and compliance. Lina’s operational excellence was a critical enabler of Jerry’s 10x growth in its first year of operation.

Prior to Jerry, Lina and her Jerry co-founders, Art Agrawal and Musawir Shah, led YourMechanic, the largest on-demand car repair services provider. In one year, Lina built and scaled YourMechanic operations from five markets to more than 50. The trio left YourMechanic to incubate Jerry at Y Combinator in 2017.

Lina’s previous roles include intellectual property attorney at Morrison & Foerster LLP and a biomedical researcher at Stanford University.

Lina holds a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry from Nanjing University, a doctorate in biochemistry from Dartmouth College, and a juris doctorate from the University of California Berkeley School of Law. She’s a member of the State Bar of California and a licensed property and casualty insurance producer in all 50 states.

Josh Damico

As Vice President of Insurance Operations at Jerry, Josh Damico leads teams across product development, operations and carrier relations, integrating Jerry’s smart and fast car insurance customer experience with that of traditional carriers to help customers find savings and coverage. Josh’s nearly 20 years of insurance-industry experience and knowledge generate partnerships with more than 55 name-brand and specialty insurance partners that enable Jerry to serve customers with all types of vehicle and policy needs.

Previously, Josh held executive roles at Geico, where he had vast regional oversight and leadership opportunities. In his most recent role as director of sales, servicing, and underwriting, Josh developed and executed profit and growth strategy for the New England states and New Jersey.

Josh holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and management from Medaille College.

Over the past 12 months, 25% of drivers who switched with Jerry paid $85 or less per month. Not all customers find savings. Savings depend on state, policy features, coverage, driving history and other factors.

Editorial Note: This article was written by a paid member of Jerry’s editorial team. Statements in this article do not constitute advice or recommendations. You should consult with an insurance professional about your specific circumstances and needs before making any insurance decisions.