Jerry 2025 State of the American Driver Report: Soaring Costs Push Drivers to Reevaluate Insurance, Car Buying, and Household Budgets

New report finds 80% of Americans now consider car insurance unaffordable, leading to widespread coverage trade-offs, altered car buying plans and tightened household budgets
Jerry, Jan 2, 2025


3 car buying mistakes that can cost you more than you think

Jerry uncovers three often-overlooked expenses when buying a car and how to minimize them.

Car insurance deals are within reach in 2025—here's how to maximize savings

Jerry provides an overview of anticipated changes in store for car insurance shoppers in 2025.

Jerry 2025 State of the American Driver Report: Soaring Costs Push Drivers to Reevaluate Insurance, Car Buying, and Household Budgets

New report finds 80% of Americans now consider car insurance unaffordable, leading to widespread coverage trade-offs, altered car buying plans and tightened household budgets

Inflation Remains Subdued, as Fed Preps Rate Cut

"The worst is behind us and we should continue to see more stability in rates going forward," said Josh Damico, Jerry's VP of insurance operations"…

July inflation drops below 3% as Fed considers September rate cut

Car insurance rates are finally slowing down, according to Jerry's VP of Insurance Operations Josh Damico.

Why car insurance is still so expensive even as car prices are dropping

“Car insurance premiums lag contributing factors such as prices for vehicles and repairs, so insurers have been playing catch-up over the past year or so,” Damico told CNN.

Millions of drivers expected to hit roads this Memorial Day weekend nationally, in Delaware

According to Jerry, a car insurance savings app, Memorial Day weekend in Delaware is the deadliest in the nation on a per capita basis.

How automakers and charging companies plan to simplify EV charging

Jerry survey findings suggest a difficult road ahead for manufacturers, insurance companies and other data brokers that have been banking on consumer data.