Valve Cover Gasket Replacement Cost Estimates

Worried you might overpay for your valve cover gasket replacement? Use Jerry’s GarageGuard™ to get fair cost estimate for your valve cover gasket replacement.

Written by Amy Bobinger and 1 other
Updated Jan 9, 2025
Get the fair price estimate for your repair with Jerry.

A valve cover gasket replacement costs a few hundred dollars for most vehicles, but this repair could cost over $1,000 for luxury models.

How much does a valve cover gasket replacement cost?

Having your valve cover gasket replaced typically costs around $150-$500 depending on the make and model of your vehicle. However, if you drive a luxury vehicle or a car with a difficult-to-access valve cover, your repair cost could be over $1,000. 

What does a valve cover gasket do?

A valve cover gasket is a small piece of rubber, plastic or cork that seals the valve cover, keeping oil in the engine and protecting the cylinder head and valve assembly. Some vehicles have one valve cover, and therefore one valve cover gasket, and other vehicles have two.

What are the symptoms of a valve cover gasket leak?

The materials used to manufacture a valve cover gasket can deteriorate over time, leading to leaks as the seal fails. If this starts to happen, you’ll likely be able to see oil on the valve cover gasket.

You might also notice signs like:

  • “Low Oil” or “Check Engine” light
  • Smell of burning oil 
  • Misfiring engine
  • Unusual sounds from engine
  • Engine running hot
  • Smoking engine or engine fire

To further diagnose the issue, a mechanic might add dye to your engine oil. They’ll allow the oil to circulate through your engine, then they’ll shine a UV light around your engine to confirm the location of the leak.

Can you drive a car with a bad valve cover gasket?

Your car will run, but as oil leaks out, various parts of your engine will likely start to suffer damage. And if the leaking oil ignites, it could lead to an engine fire while you drive. 

Note:  In some cases, you may not actually need a new gasket. Over time, vibration from your engine may have worked your valve cover loose. But the valve cover must be tightened with precision, and overtightening it can permanently warp the cover, so it’s best to have this done professionally unless you’re experienced at working on engines.

Can I replace a valve cover gasket myself?

The difficulty in replacing a valve cover gasket can vary widely from one vehicle to the next, so you’ll need to find the exact process for your car to determine whether it’s practical for you to do this repair yourself. 

In some vehicles, the valve cover gasket is easy to access, making this a relatively easy repair for an at-home mechanic with intermediate automotive experience. But some vehicles require removing components like the hoses, spark plug brackets, throttle cables and more. In this case, the repair will be more complicated, and you should take your vehicle to a repair shop unless you have significant mechanical know-how. 

And in some models, much of the engine must be disassembled to access the valve cover gasket. It’s almost always best to let a professional handle the repair in that case.

Note: If you attempt this repair at home, be careful not to overtighten the valve cover. It’s easy to damage the cover by overtightening it, which will prevent it from sealing properly. Also, the new gasket could crack, and you’ll continue to notice oil leaking from the valve cover.


  • Can I use a quick-fix oil additive to fix my leaking valve cover gasket?
  • Should I replace both valve cover gaskets at the same time?
  • Is it worth fixing a leaking valve cover gasket?
Amy Bobinger

Expert insurance writer and editor Amy Bobinger specializes in car repair, car maintenance, and car insurance. Amy is passionate about creating content that helps consumers navigate challenges related to car ownership and achieve financial success in areas relating to cars. Amy has over 10 years of writing and editing experience. After several years as a freelance writer, Amy spent four years as an editing fellow at WikiHow, where she co-authored over 600 articles on topics including car maintenance and home ownership. Since joining Jerry’s editorial team in 2022, Amy has edited over 2,500 articles on car insurance, state driving laws, and car repair and maintenance.

Phil Metzger

Phil Metzger is a personal finance editor and writer with more than 30 years of experience editing and writing content across a variety of industries. In writing and editing for Jerry, Phil’s mission is to help car owners better understand their vehicles and the costs associated with car ownership. Before joining Jerry, Phil worked as a writer and editor for newspapers, magazines, television radio and online news. His work has appeared in many major publications and websites over the years, including a series he edited that was a finalist for a Pulitzer Prize.


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