How frustrating! A seized engine repair is likely to cost at least $3,000 to $5,000.
A seized engine either isn’t working properly or won’t turn over due to either a lack of oil or damage. Since the issue can lie with so many different components, it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact cost.
The best option is to bring your car to a mechanic and let them diagnose the issue. If the problem is a lack of oil or something simple, you may be able to get your car back on the road for cheap.
If the engine is damaged, expect an expensive repair. A mechanic will need to take the engine apart to find the issue then rebuild it. Expect to pay $3,000 to $5,000 for an engine repair and over $5,000 for a full replacement.
While unfortunate, some experts recommend selling your vehicle and buying a new vehicle if your engine is truly seized—the repairs are expensive and time-consuming, plus another breakdown is likely.
While engine issues
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